Todd wanted to make a big deal of my 40th birthday, so he made it a week-long affair. On Monday, Dec. 4th, he showed up in the morning with balloons & flowers before going to work himself. The big Tweety Bird balloon, in the back, talked & sang very loudly if you hit it. " A witto bird told me it was your birthday! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, ........" People at work liked making it sing. :) 
We had to go out for my birthday dinner on Wednesday night (12/6) because the rest of the week we had performances for the Christmas production at church. We went to Axel's in Roseville and it was delicious! :)
Here we are, the actual day of my birthday. We had two performances (3 & 7:30 pm) of The Gospel According to Scrooge because it was Saturday. Before each performance we have a half hour of Praise & Worship & announcement for the cast & crew. During the singing, they suddenly started singing Happy Birthday to me and Todd had 4 of the gentlemen give me 3-flower bouquets of carnations. It was really cool! Of course when it happened, my head was covered in hot rollers (I think someone got a picture of that but I have not seen that) so I could get the curly look for the play. The headband with antenna on my head says, "Birthday Princess". :) Here Todd & I are in our 1800's costumes for the Gospel According to Scrooge. We were "the couple who meets Scrooge on the street". We even had a lines!
Sonja: "Good Evening, Mr. Scrooge."
Scrooge: "Bah!"
Todd: "Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge."
Scrooge: "Hum-bug!" Right in Todd's face.
Then Todd acts like he is going to go after Scrooge behind his back and I grab him & pull him off stage while shaking my head "No".
And that was our exciting scene. :
We were also in the choir with Mom & Tiffany so we were on stage a lot singing songs. It was really fun! Tiffany, Mom, Sonja & Todd
The birthday fun was not over when the performances were over. Todd had me close my eyes while he drove to the Hilton Garden Inn where he had reserved a room for the night and decorated it in between performances. What a guy! :)The birthday girl with her flowers, presents..........and..........antenna. :)Todd even set up a table of food! Which was good because I was hungry. :) We had Chicken Salad from Cub (mmmmmm), Hawiian Bread rolls, cheese & crackers, sparkling apple cider and cake with lemon filling. Yummy! Todd takes great joy in spoiling me! I must admit, it is nice. :)
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