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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Passion Play 2007

Wow! I can't believe it was our 5th year of performing in the Passion Play this year. Evan has joined us for about half of the performances for the last 4 years. If I watch him for the weekend (for Angela & Eric) when we have perfomances, I just put a costume on him and he comes out for the Market Scene & Triumphal Entry. That is about 15 min. long, so he literally has his 15 minutes of fame each performance! :) He loves wearing his costume and doing the play.

Evan also likes spending time with Grandma "A" when we do the play. :)

This year Todd & I got to play some new roles. So we had some quick changes that kept us hoppin'. :) We were the magician & magician's assistant in Herod's Court.

Todd pulled a scarf out of the "magic" bag. :) They were very fun parts to play.

We were also trumpeter angels in Heaven. We really like doing that too. :)

Evan really enjoyed greeting people after the performances. He just stuck his hand out and waited for people to come shake it. Of course, lots of people thought he was extremely cute! :)

1 comment:

Lisa Anderson said...

What fun! It looks like you are catching up on the blogging. Yeah!