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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Freedom Celebration 2007

Mom (Annilea Lane), our nephew, Evan & I were in the Freedom Celebration at North Heights this year. There are 3 special services honoring our country's veterans and people in all branches of military. We really enjoyed doing it and the people who are honored are always very grateful.

Evan has a blast carrying his flag in the Freedom Celebration. The last service, a couple of veterans in their 70's or 80's were just tickled at all of the kids that were carrying flags along with the adults. When Evan came across the front of the stage, one of them nudged the other, pointed at Evan & whispered, "Look at the one!" They were so excited and I was very proud of Evan. :)

Sonja & Evan dressed in our Freedom Celebration red, white & blue.

Evan & Grandma...........Grandma was also very proud of how well Evan did carrying his flag in the services. :)

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