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Monday, September 27, 2010
Crossing Lake Michigan On The S.S. Badger.......again.....
Sunday morning dawned clear, cold & still. What a difference in Lake Michigan from when we watched the ship come in on Friday night! It was very calm & very blue. We had to be at the dock for the S.S. Badger at 8 am for a 9 am departure. Todd's brother, Kevin & their Dad came down to the harbor to see us off. I was hoping they would, so I was really excited to see them there. Kevin took some great pictures & sent them to us. The next 3 pictures are ones that Kevin took. :)
There's Todd (waving) & me on the Badger..............I was so excited to get this picture............thanks Kevin!!
The S.S. Badger is definitely one big ship!
There we go............past the lighthouse.
Here is a beautiful view of the Ludington Lighthouse from the ship. The water is so blue.
Sonja & Todd on the deck of the ship.
Todd & me............it was a beautiful morning............but it was pretty cold.
We were surprised that we could see Big Sable Lighthouse............and the fog horn tower.........from the ship. I took this picture with the zoom lens all the way out to 12 times, but it was still cool to be able to see it. Especially since we had been there on Friday. :)
This time we played Badger Bingo for a good majority of the time that we were crossing the lake. You could win Badger memorabilia...........we did not win any bingo games..........but Todd did win a bag of Badger Coal for answering a joke that Todd, the bingo caller had asked of someone named Linda. He said, "Oh, we have another 'Linda' in the room. You can come up and get a bag of coal before we are done here today." :) It was fun & it did help the 4 hour trip go much faster.
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