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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Christmas at Sonja's Mom's House--12/19/09

We had Christmas at Mom's house a week early this year.

Maddie looking cute with her ponytails. :)

Todd & Luke............Luke was pretty cute in his "Naughty" outfit. :)

All the kids............
Top: Andrew (almost 2), Maddie (1-1/2), J.D. (12), Luke (almost 2 mo.), Tiffany (19), Justin (10) & Tyler (3)
Bottom: Nicholas (8), Brenden (7) & Evan (6.....almost 7)
Maddie & Andrew in their toy tubs.

Luke with his blanket. :)

Andrew's 2nd birthday was December 28th, so we gave him his birthday present, too. He was very excited about his puppy. :)

Tiffany gave 3 of the boys knight helmets for Christmas. Maddie was wearing it while eating in the kitchen. Tyler thought it was pretty funny.

Tiffany made this cake for Christmas...................very cool! :)

Andrew even wanted to sit on my lap & snuggle for awhile before they left. I was pretty excited since we don't get to see Andrew very often & he doesn't know "Nana" as well as the other kids do. :)

Here is a video that I took on our digital camer of Andrew & Maddie dancing to one of the toys that Andrew got for Christmas. :) Sorry it is sideways..........I couldn't figure out how to change the orientation.

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