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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Maddie Turns One!

Our niece, Maddie, turned one on April 27th. Her birthday party was on Memorial Day. Anthony, Heather, & Andrew came up from Nebraska, so everyone was able to be there for the festivities. We all had a really fun day! :)

Maddie helped me curl my hair. :)


Kim & Maddie opening presents.

Maddie's present from Uncle Todd & Nana.
We also brought JD his present for his 12th birthday (on May 13th) but I forgot to take a picture. Sorry, JD!

Andrew is very excited about the bubble gum machine toy!

Yeah!! :)


Tyler............CHEESE!! :)

Maddie's very own...........very large.........cupcake!

Mmmmmm..............this is pretty good............

...............yes..............this is VERY good!

Maddie is having fun eating her birthday cupcake. :)

"Daddy says I look like a Smurf...................what's a Smurf?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sonja!
EXCELLENT job on your cross stitch!! It looks professional in its frame. She'll really appreciate your work in about 20 years!
The pictures are very cute of all the celebrations too!
Thanks for telling me about this blogspot!
Joyce H.