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Monday, June 1, 2009

Walk Like MADD Walk 2009

On Saturday, Todd, Evan & I walked in the MADD walk at the Hyland Lake Park Reserve in Bloomington. Our team was The Williams Walkers.

Diane, Lana, Dave, Todd, Cathy......Evan......Sonja.

They had stars along the trail with the names of the different teams. We went in a big circle so on the way back to the Start/Finish line, we picked up The Williams Walkers Star & put it in the wagon with Evan. Evan would walk..........then ride............then walk.........then ride.........etc. :)

They were doing face painting at one of the tents. Evan was very excited to get a kitty on his arm.

Here is a close up of the kitty.

Evan kept wanting a balloon, but they were just decorations on the tents & signs. When we were leaving, a guy looked like he was going to take down the big starting line banner. I asked him if he was going to take down the sign & he said he was.............I asked him if Evan could have one of the balloons & he said, "Oh, sure!" He and another guy cut off the whole bunch from one side & gave it to Evan. We were walking away & Evan was very excited to get 6 balloons instead of 1, when the guys asked if we would like the other bunch, too. So Evan ended up with 11 balloons! :)

When we were driving home, Evan said, "That was really fun!" :)

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