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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Dramatically Musical Nephews

We went to Justin & Brenden's musicals at Westwood Community Church on Saturday, May 2nd. Brenden was in Fish Tales.....a production about being fishers of men. No one can say that our nephews lack enthusiasm when performing in their kids' productions at their church. Here is some proof in the little video clip we made on our camera because Brenden was so animated in his singing. :)

Brenden was also excited that he had a speaking part.........

..........and a singing part in a trio on one of the songs. :)

Brenden was very excited that we all came to watch him! :)
Justin's age group did a production called Kings Dreams & Schemes......a story about Daniel. I forget what his name was, but Justin was an Egyptian & thought his Egyptian eye make-up was pretty cool. :)

Here Justin was in charge of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack & Obednego. He was trying to say King Nebuchanezzar (sp?) a couple of times in his lines & said:
"King Neba......King Neba......King never can remember his name!"
"King Neba......King Neba......King never can pronounce his name!"
It was pretty funny & he did a great job! :)

Justin sitting at the feet of the king.

Brenden, Justin, Evan & Nicholas. Evan & Nicholas had fun watching their cousins in their shows. :)

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