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Friday, July 10, 2009

A Walk Down Memory Lane...............in Fond du Lac, WI

I have kept in contact with Betty McAuly since we left Fond du Lac in 1979. Betty lived two houses down from us & I babysat her 2 year old son, Marty. We visited with Betty & her family today while they were getting ready for a party they were having in the lake pavilion tonight.

Betty brought along this picture of my sister, Angela, our friend, Karen, & me with Marty out in front of her house. It was taken the summer of 1978. :) I took a picture of it today with our camera to post in on the blog so that is why it has today's date stamp on it.

Betty McAuly, Sonja, Marty, now in his thirties with a two year old of his own, Emma. :)

Betty's Family: Mike, Grace, Betty, Emma & Marty.

Fond du Lac is at the southern end of Lake Winnebago and has a working lighthouse. Todd was very excited about this part of our trip. :)

The Fond du Lac lighthouse.

Todd looking thru the telescope on the observation deck at the top of the lighthouse.

A view of the lake from the lighthouse.............I guess I should have gone over by the railing instead of taking it from the middle of the observation deck.........not sure what I was thinking on that one. :)

Todd is up at the top of the lighthouse.

Here you can see him better. :)

Then we went looking for more memories from my past. This is the church my family pastored when we lived in Fond du Lac. The Fond du Lac Church of God. It was white when my dad was the pastor. Sadly it has been sitting empty for several years & when we looked in the window of the door..........it is very torn up inside. There was not much inside to show that it used to be a really nice church................

..............except the sun shining thru the beautiful stained glass windows. There are four of them on one side of the building. Two of them have pieces broken out of them, but two of them are still in good shape. I sure wish I could have one of them. :)

This is the house we lived in at 86 E. Arndt St. When we lived here it was yellow with brown trim and there weren't any fences. Angela & I used to love playing Barbies on the front porch with our friend, Karen.
Behind our house was McKinley Park. Thirty years ago it did not have the fancy sign & all the trees.

The park also did not have the fancy playground, benches or the basketball court. It was just an open field, with some swings and metal monkey bars on gravel...........but we played there all the time & had a lot of fun. :)

Here you go boys............CHEGWIN! Jeremy's boys, especially Brenden, love the name of our old elementary school. We used to walk about four blocks to get to school. Todd & I walked there from the old house. The school has not changed much at all. We looked in the front door windows & it brought back some good memories.

Then Todd & I walked over to the public library. It is in the same place, but it had a lot of remodeling done in 2003 and an addition. I don't really remember what it looked like in the late 70's anyway. But I do remember that the 5 of us kids would walk the 6 or 7 blocks to the library to check out books to read for the next couple of weeks. I remember that I would always pick out my books as fast as I could & then sit & listen to The Diary of Anne Frank on LP on one of the record players in the library, with big headphones, until Leonard told me that we had to get ready to walk home. I would listen to that record every time we went to the library. :)

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