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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life 2012

Our Christmas production at church this year was It's a Wonderful Life The Musical.  It was really fun doing the show.  Todd was Potter's Goon & had a grand time with facial expressions since the goon had no lines.  Sonja tried out for dance hoping to be in one simple dance.  She ended up in 4 dances!  It was really fun!

J.T. checking out the Christmas decoration.  He wore a coat that Mom made for the boys to wear when we were little & a hat that they wore, too.  :)

Uncle Todd & J.T.......my favorite picture from the show.  :)

J.T. enjoying a banana off stage.

"Gotta go out for my scene."

Everyone loved the look that Potter's Goon gave George Bailey when Potter told him that it was all around town that he's been giving money to Violet Bick.  :)

Uncle Todd, Nana, & J.T. 
I wore one of Mom's hats.  We found all of the pieces for J.T.'s outfit at different thrift stores.

It appears that J.T. has stolen Potter's wheelchair and his goon.  ;)

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