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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A couple of birthdays & a 2nd grade concert......

For my birthday, Todd brought me roses, a birthday balloon, a handmade card & breakfast from Burger King to my work in the morning. :)

We went to Red Robin............Yummm............for dinner & then went to Evan's 2nd grade Christmas Concert..........they probably called it "Winter" or "Holiday", but I will call it Christmas...........at the Cambridge High School. It was all of the 2nd grade classes together & then each class had a special part in a song.

Here is Evan (middle with jeans & a striped polo) with his class when they were highlighted in a song. They had to do sign language with their song. I'm sorry...........I forgot what the song was.

Justin's 11th birthday was Nov. 26th, but since we were gone the weekend of our family Thanksgiving we did not get to give Justin his present. We saw him on Dec. 12th when they came to pick up Tyler & Maddie so we gave it to him then.

Justin's basketball team had just won 1st place in the tournament they were in. :)

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