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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Presenting Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Marocco!

Saturday, we went to the wedding of my friend, Rachel Finkenbinder, where she married Matthew Marocco. Rachel was a beautiful bride & I loved her dress. It was especially nice that Rachel's grandfather performed the ceremony with Pastor Cilke. He was so cute when he got all choked up & said, "I'm sorry, she's my granddaughter." :)

Steve Finkenbinder walking his daughter, Rachel, down the aisle.

I accidentally took this picture, but it turned out to be a really good one of Rachel's bouquet & wedding Bible.

Rachel & Matthew lighting the Unity Candle.

Rachel's grandfather performing Rachel & Matthew's wedding ceremony.

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Marocco

Bride & Groom with the Bride's Parents......Debbie, Rachel, Matthew & Steve.

The three sisters........Joanna, Rachel & Sarah.

The Wedding Party

Their wedding cake.

Matthew & Rachel's 1st dance as husband & wife.

Rachel & Steve's Father-Daughter dance to Butterfly Kisses.

It was also my friends, Leon & Danielle's 11th anniversary. I remember being at their wedding 11 years ago............I caught the bouquet! :) Here they are with their 4 kids.

Rachel, Sonja & Todd.

1 comment:

marilee said...

Oh, I'm so glad you accidentally took that picture of Rachel's bouquet. It's perfect. I was trying to get a shot of the top of her dress without being...well, you know. So, thanks for posting that!