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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Backyard BBQ at Mom's House
Anthony, Heather & Andrew came up to the cities for a visit, so we had a BBQ at Mom's house. We invited our cousins & some of Heather's family came, too. It was really nice weather & we had a great time. :)
Our cousin, Maria & Luke.........who is busy chewing his tongue.
Andrew getting in the car for a drive.
Nicholas shooting baskets.
Our cousin, Faith's husband, Gabe & baby girl, Clementina, our cousin, Terees & Luke. Clementina is two weeks older than Luke.......she was born on Oct. 14th & Luke was born on Oct. 28th. Luke was liking Gabe & smiling at him. :)
Luke & J.D.
Kim told Justin to start out with a little bit of Jello salad..............this is Justin's idea of "a little bit". :)
Evan, Tiffany & Luke.
Maddie's hair was standing on end from the static electricity every time she drove the Little Tikes car.
Clementina & me........my cousins were calling me the Baby Whisperer because apparently Clementina doesn't usually sit with strangers without crying. :)
Maddie wanted her ball in the car so I put it in her "trunk".............it fits so well. :)
All the "Lane Cousins".......Justin (10), Andrew (2), Maddie (almost 2), J.D. (almost 13), Tiffany (19), Luke (almost 6 mo.), Nicholas (8), Evan (7), Tyler (3) & Brenden (7).
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