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Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Day

Since we couldn't go up to Duluth this year for Christmas, Jamie, Sophia & Emily stopped by on their way up. They gave us our presents & we gave them theirs.

Sophia & Emily with their presents.
Emily with her magnetic dry erase board.

Sophia with her magnetic dry erase board.

Our Christmas lights.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Todd's Knee Surgery 12/21/10

Todd had partial knee replacement surgery on his right knee on Dec. 21st at St. John's Hospital. The surgery went really well. Todd spent 3 nights in the hospital & went home on Christmas Eve afternoon.

Todd had 16 staples in his knee.

Kim, Brenden, Tyler & Maddie came to see Todd on Dec. 30th. Maddie brought Uncle Todd a Dora Band-Aid to help his knee get better. :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lane Family Christmas 2010

The Lane Family celebrated Christmas on Dec. 19th this year. We all met at Mom's house in the late afternoon & had a great time! :)

Aunt Nana, Maddie, Tyler, Uncle Todd & Luke.

Evan, Angela & Heather.
Todd & I met Tiffany's fiance, Harrison, for the 1st time. He seems to be a very nice guy. Also pictured are Mom & Tiffany.

Tyler with the Take-a-part Roadster we gave him.

Brenden, Evan & Nicholas with the beach towels we gave them. They have a big guitar & say "Rock On!"

Justin with one of his gift cards.

Heather, Andrew & Maddie

J.D., Andrew, Harrison & Tiffany

Luke carrying around one of Angela's dolls from when we were kids. He found it in Mom's playroom.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A couple of birthdays & a 2nd grade concert......

For my birthday, Todd brought me roses, a birthday balloon, a handmade card & breakfast from Burger King to my work in the morning. :)

We went to Red Robin............Yummm............for dinner & then went to Evan's 2nd grade Christmas Concert..........they probably called it "Winter" or "Holiday", but I will call it Christmas...........at the Cambridge High School. It was all of the 2nd grade classes together & then each class had a special part in a song.

Here is Evan (middle with jeans & a striped polo) with his class when they were highlighted in a song. They had to do sign language with their song. I'm sorry...........I forgot what the song was.

Justin's 11th birthday was Nov. 26th, but since we were gone the weekend of our family Thanksgiving we did not get to give Justin his present. We saw him on Dec. 12th when they came to pick up Tyler & Maddie so we gave it to him then.

Justin's basketball team had just won 1st place in the tournament they were in. :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hallelujah! 2010

Tyler & Maddie were able to be in our Christmas Production with us again this year because we are watching them on J.D. & Justin's basketball tournament weekends. They we in the 1st two songs of the production.................That Joyful Noise & Joy to the World. On That Joyful Noise, Tyler went with Uncle Todd to the Toy Shop and Maddie helped Nana in the Coffee Shop. They were both very excited to sing on Joy to the World! We made sure to practice it a lot before hand & they new the words very well............in fact, during the second performance, when we were waiting for our turn to go out on stage, Maddie discovered that the Orchestra was playing Joy to the World in the middle of their medley of songs at the beginning of the show........she is pretty smart! :)

Here are some pictures from the production:

Maddie was very excited to wear curlers & have her hair curled for the performances. After I would put her curlers in at night, she would walk around & say, "I pretty Nana." I said, "Yes, you are very pretty, Maddie." :) Tom Ahonen took this picture of Maddie & me waiting for the Spirit of Praise sound check. Maddie had fallen asleep during the worship team practice...............and she was out............she slept thru my walking down stairs to the sanctuary, the SOP sound check, walking back upstairs to the chapel & part way thru the Cast worship & announcements. :)

Tyler & Maddie......aren't they cute! :)

Grandma A, Maddie & Tyler

Nana, Maddie, Uncle Todd & Tyler

Maddie :)

Tyler :)

I helped lead the cast worship before performances this year.
Maddie LOVED helping with the worship, also. :)

Tyler, Nana, Maddie & Uncle Todd

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lane's 40th Anniversary

We went up to Todd's mom's for Thanksgiving & brought the girls' birthday presents up with us. Then we went back home & left on Friday for North Dakota to go to Sonja's Uncle Dan & Aunt Nancy's 40th Anniversary Open House on Saturday afternoon.

Sophia got her present early..........she will be 12 on December 5th. She was super excited about her peace sign to hang on the wall!

Emily got her present late................she turned 9 on September 24th. She started writing a story about her pets right away with the pop-up books kit we gave her. :)

Uncle Dan & Aunt Nancy's 40th Anniversary cake with their wedding picture on it.

Another 40th Anniversary cake with their original wedding cake topper on it.

Aunt Nancy & Uncle Dan

Todd & Sonja

Aunt Nancy, Sonja (the flower girl when she was three) & Uncle Dan

Uncle Dan apologized for the picture of the wedding party that they had for their collage. I was ok with it.........I was only 3 years old............that's what 3 year olds do. :)

My cousin Michelle's daughter, Zoe...........the one who thought I was Cinderella at our wedding..............is growing up. I think she is 6 or 7 now. She is still a cutie! :)

Uncle Dan made cupcake for children "ages 120 and under". :)

Mom, Aunt Nancy & Aunt Maxine

Uncle Dan & Uncle Larry

Friday, November 19, 2010


Last weekend we got snow.............Tyler & Maddie could hardly wait to go outside & play in it!


Maddie & Tyler

Oops!..............Maddie fell down! :)

Of course, Tyler & I had to make a snowman. :)

Maddie treking thru the snow. :)

Tyler, our snowman, Maddie & Nana.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Luke's 1st Birthday Party!

Luke's 1st birthday was October 28th. We went to his birthday party the next Saturday.

Luke's Birthday Cake

Evan & Nicholas painting pumpkins. :)

Luke was looking out the screen door & Evan came up on the outside.
I thought this picture turned out pretty cool. :)
Luke & his cake.

Eric & Luke blowing out the candle.

Luke enjoying his birthday cake.

Evan thought Luke was funny all covered in chocolate cake.

Luke really enjoyed his chocolate birthday cake! :)

Luke & Angela opening his present from Uncle Todd & Nana.

This is what we gave him.

Luke received lots of good presents.

Evan, Luke & Nicholas in their Halloween costumes.

Evan with all of the painted pumpkins.