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Monday, November 2, 2009

Mini-golfing on a Friday Night............

Last Friday night, we took Evan down to Jeremy & Kim's house to take the boys on the long awaited mini-golfing trip from way back in March when we watched them & JD was sick so we couldn't go...............

First, some of the kids wanted to show off their Halloween costumes.

Maddie in her bee costume...................

...................complete with stinger! :)

Tyler was a dragon...............

.................with wings & a tail. :)

Brenden was Batman & Evan was Bumblebee........a transformer.

Uncle Todd, J.D., Brenden & Justin mini-golfing.

Tyler taking one of his shots. :) I helped Tyler instead of playing a game myself. Everytime we or he would hit the ball in the hole, Tyler would raise his arms & yell, "I did it!" :) We also got 3 holes-in-one together..........I should play with Tyler more often! :)

Evan taking a shot. (Uncle Todd, Justin, Brenden & J.D. watching.)

Brenden getting ready to putt.

Justin eyeing up his shot. :)
Everyone had a great time! :)

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