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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Introducing..........Luke Eugene Cota!

Yesterday, the newest member of our family arrived. Baby Luke was born at 8:42 am.......he weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 3/4 in. long. Eric & Angela.........the proud parents............are doing well & Baby Luke is perfect! :)

Baby Luke........ :) ...........Evan took this picture...........he did a good job. :)

Big brother, Evan...........aka Dr. Evan...........holding his new baby brother. Evan had to wear a mask even though he wasn't sick because the hospital made anyone under 18 wear a mask.

Aunt Nana & Baby Luke.

Evan took a picture of Luke's foot. :)

Uncle Todd & Baby Luke.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Little Clementina Lila Angieri‏

My cousin, Faith, had her little baby girl a week ago today on 10/14/09. Isn't she adorable! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Jude & Estella are 4 Years Old!

Todd & I went to Jude & Estella Williams' 4th birthday party on Saturday. They had a castle bouncy that Mark & Leah rented for the occasion. Todd & I went in it for awhile when we first got there. It snowed a little the night before & the high for the day was about 40 degrees so it was a little chilly............but it was fun. :)

Estella in the bouncy.

Oh, look!................it's Grandpa (Dave) in the bouncy! :)

Stellie & Todd (aka "Papa Todd").

Katie Bohm, Jude & Grandpa.

Lots of presents! :)

Jude & Stellie opening their presents from us.

Jude & his toy tub full of presents. :)

Estella & her toy tub full of presents. :)

One of Stellie's presents was a Snow White gown with a matching crown. Isn't she beautiful?! :)

Estella's Cinderella cake.
Jude's Vikings/Spiderman cake.

Estella with her cake.................

...............and blowing out the candles.

What a cutie! Their Great-Grandma Betty really liked this picture. :)

Stellie watches while Jude blows out his candles.

Jude with his new Vikings football. :)

Stellie & Jude playing with some of their new toys.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hurry..........pick the apples.........

We're supposed to get our 1st hard freeze & some snow tonight, so I thought I'd better get over to Leonard & Denise's house & pick some apples off their tree if I wanted some this year. Nicholas came home from school and helped me pick apples. I didn't find as many good ones as I would have in September, but I got about a grocery bag & a quarter..........that ought to make a good amount of apple butter. :) Nicholas picked 20 apples himself & brought them proudly in to his mom.................I think he was dreaming of apple pie. :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

1000 Voice Choir with Michael W. Smith!

On Saturday, Todd & I, along with 9 other people from our church, had the great honor and privilege to be part of the 1000 Voice Choir for the KTIS 60th Anniversary Celebration Concert at the Xcel Center in downtown St. Paul. We sang 2 songs, just with the choir, then we sang about 12 songs with Michael W. Smith. We had to check in at 12:30 pm and we were there all day till the concert ended around 9:30 pm.
We had a sound check for the choir and then later we had a sound check with Michael W. Smith. He was so nice! He was excited to have us singing with him and kept telling us what a good job we were doing. He said he wanted to take us all on tour with him as soon as he could work out the logistics...........like 115 buses............4 hotels............. :)

Michael W. Smith during the sound check.

Phil Stacey was the opening singer for the concert. Here's a heads up for you.........Phil Stacey is going to be joining us at North Heights & singing in our Christmas production......The Christmas Window......this year! Make plans to come.........I'm sure you will enjoy it! :)

Matthew West was the host for the evening & the second singer. :)

Then the choir sang their two songs. Here are the altos from our church.......Cindy, me, Kristine & Tiara. :)

1000 Voice Choir................I found this picture on KTIS's Facebook page.

The 1000 Voice Choir took up about 4 sections behind the stage!
I also found this picture on KTIS's Facebook page.

Of course, Michael W. Smith was the headliner of the concert. It was so fun to be able to sing with him on every song he sang that night! It was awesome and we will never forget it! :)