Welcome to our Blog. Come on in & find out what's happening with the Dybviks. :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nicholas is 8!

We watched Nicholas for the weekend so Leonard & Denise could celebrate their 25th anniversary. When they came to pick him up on Sunday afternoon, we finally gave Nicholas his birthday present. He turned 8 on September 18th.

It is a Digital Recording Lab. :)

First, with a few simple connections, we made the red light come on. :)

Then...........with ALOT of connections............Denise & Nicholas were able to record Nicholas's voice & play it back like a robot voice! Very cool! :)

Welcoming a new cousin

After Brenden's game, we watched some of the kids over at Jeremy & Kim's house. Angela, Tiffany, Evan & Luke came later in the day. The cousins were excited to welcome Baby Luke into the bunch. :)

Justin & Baby Luke. :)

Tyler & Baby Luke. :)

J.D. & Baby Luke. :)

Brenden & Baby Luke. :)

Tyler, Nicholas & Baby Luke. :)

Even Maddie was lovin' Baby Luke.......she would point to him & giggle & babble about him. :)

Nana, Maddie & Baby Luke. :)

We also went to the park for awhile because it was such a nice day. Here is Maddie on the slide. :)

Tyler at the playground. :)

Anthony & Andrew came after we got back from the playground. Andrew sure is getting big! :)

Andrew kept moving around so much........it was hard to get a good shot. :)

Jeremy holding Baby Luke while Tyler gives him a kiss. :)

Brenden's Basketball Game

Brenden started playing basketball this year. We went to his game on Saturday morning. He was pretty excited........especially that we brought his cousin, Nicholas, with us. :)

Brenden in the purple jersey with the ball.

Brenden on the far right.

Brenden in his Chaska Basketball jersey. :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Carving a Jack-O-Lantern on Halloween.

Todd & I didn't get around to carving our Jack-o-lantern until Halloween afternoon this year.

Scoopin' out the pumpkin brains..............

Evan was lucky enough to experience pumpkin carving twice this year. :)
We took Evan trick-or-treating this year since Baby Luke arrived 3 days earlier. We left our jack-o-lantern lit and some candy in a bowl on our patio, but it appeared that no one found our treats way back in our little circle. Oh, well................

Mini-golfing on a Friday Night............

Last Friday night, we took Evan down to Jeremy & Kim's house to take the boys on the long awaited mini-golfing trip from way back in March when we watched them & JD was sick so we couldn't go...............

First, some of the kids wanted to show off their Halloween costumes.

Maddie in her bee costume...................

...................complete with stinger! :)

Tyler was a dragon...............

.................with wings & a tail. :)

Brenden was Batman & Evan was Bumblebee........a transformer.

Uncle Todd, J.D., Brenden & Justin mini-golfing.

Tyler taking one of his shots. :) I helped Tyler instead of playing a game myself. Everytime we or he would hit the ball in the hole, Tyler would raise his arms & yell, "I did it!" :) We also got 3 holes-in-one together..........I should play with Tyler more often! :)

Evan taking a shot. (Uncle Todd, Justin, Brenden & J.D. watching.)

Brenden getting ready to putt.

Justin eyeing up his shot. :)
Everyone had a great time! :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Introducing..........Luke Eugene Cota!

Yesterday, the newest member of our family arrived. Baby Luke was born at 8:42 am.......he weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 3/4 in. long. Eric & Angela.........the proud parents............are doing well & Baby Luke is perfect! :)

Baby Luke........ :) ...........Evan took this picture...........he did a good job. :)

Big brother, Evan...........aka Dr. Evan...........holding his new baby brother. Evan had to wear a mask even though he wasn't sick because the hospital made anyone under 18 wear a mask.

Aunt Nana & Baby Luke.

Evan took a picture of Luke's foot. :)

Uncle Todd & Baby Luke.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Little Clementina Lila Angieri‏

My cousin, Faith, had her little baby girl a week ago today on 10/14/09. Isn't she adorable! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Jude & Estella are 4 Years Old!

Todd & I went to Jude & Estella Williams' 4th birthday party on Saturday. They had a castle bouncy that Mark & Leah rented for the occasion. Todd & I went in it for awhile when we first got there. It snowed a little the night before & the high for the day was about 40 degrees so it was a little chilly............but it was fun. :)

Estella in the bouncy.

Oh, look!................it's Grandpa (Dave) in the bouncy! :)

Stellie & Todd (aka "Papa Todd").

Katie Bohm, Jude & Grandpa.

Lots of presents! :)

Jude & Stellie opening their presents from us.

Jude & his toy tub full of presents. :)

Estella & her toy tub full of presents. :)

One of Stellie's presents was a Snow White gown with a matching crown. Isn't she beautiful?! :)

Estella's Cinderella cake.
Jude's Vikings/Spiderman cake.

Estella with her cake.................

...............and blowing out the candles.

What a cutie! Their Great-Grandma Betty really liked this picture. :)

Stellie watches while Jude blows out his candles.

Jude with his new Vikings football. :)

Stellie & Jude playing with some of their new toys.