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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Maddie Comes Home!

Baby Madison came home from the hospital this morning. J.D. & Justin were at school, but Tyler & Brenden gave her a Princess' Welcome. They sure love their new baby sister! :)

Tyler loves his baby Maddie! In fact he wouldn't go into the kitchen to eat lunch until we brought his baby in there & set her on the kitchen table. That is saying a lot because Tyler really loves food. :)

Maddie with her blanket that Grandma A (Lane) made for her.

Brenden & Maddie. He is very proud of his baby sister & loves her very much!
Aunt Nana & Maddie

Brenden (5), Justin (8), Aunt Nana, Madison (2 days), J.D. (10.....2 weeks away from being 11) & Tyler (1-1/2)

Brenden, Kim, Madison, J.D., Jeremy, Tyler & Justin

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