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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Maddie Comes Home!

Baby Madison came home from the hospital this morning. J.D. & Justin were at school, but Tyler & Brenden gave her a Princess' Welcome. They sure love their new baby sister! :)

Tyler loves his baby Maddie! In fact he wouldn't go into the kitchen to eat lunch until we brought his baby in there & set her on the kitchen table. That is saying a lot because Tyler really loves food. :)

Maddie with her blanket that Grandma A (Lane) made for her.

Brenden & Maddie. He is very proud of his baby sister & loves her very much!
Aunt Nana & Maddie

Brenden (5), Justin (8), Aunt Nana, Madison (2 days), J.D. (10.....2 weeks away from being 11) & Tyler (1-1/2)

Brenden, Kim, Madison, J.D., Jeremy, Tyler & Justin

Spaghetti..........YUM! :)

I made spaghetti for the boys for supper last night. Tyler really enjoyed his spaghetti. :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Madison Danelle Lane ~~ Born April 27, 2008

Our niece, Madison was born yesterday at 12:12 pm. She weighed 7lbs. 12 oz. and is 20 in. long. She is Jeremy & Kim's 5th child. Her 4 big brothers think she is great!

J.D. (10), Kim, Maddie & Tyler (19 mo)

Justin (8) & Maddie

Brenden (5), Kim & Maddie

Uncle Todd & Maddie

Aunt Nana & Maddie

Monday, April 21, 2008

Mass Choir at Wooddale Church

This past Saturday, our choir from North Heights Lutheran Church, joined 4 other choirs at Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie for a Mass Choir Concert. There were over 300 singers and a full orchestra. We sang 5 songs with the mass choir and our choir sang 3 songs by ourselves. The three we sang ourselves were: Beautiful Saviour with the huge pipe organ, Come, Let Us Bow Down--accapella, and Let the Veil Down with the orchestra. The concert went really well and we had a great time! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nephew Andrew's 1st Lane Gathering

This weekend, Anthony, Heather & Andrew drove up from Omaha, NE and we all got together at Leonard & Denise's house. I think Andrew enjoyed his 1st Lane gathering.........especially all the attention he got. Unfortunately, Todd was sick so he still has not met our newest Lane nephew.

Brenden & Evan in Nicholas's room.

J.D. holding his cousin, Andrew.

Tyler was very cautious about Uncle Leonard & Uncle A.

Andrew getting ready to leave (or get out) in his carseat. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Evan in Jerusalem

We watched Evan overnight last Friday so we put him in a costume and he got to be in the market & triumphal entry scenes of 'The Thorn" with us. Evan has been doing this one or two weekends every year since he was a baby and he loves it. He had so much fun on Friday night that we called his parents & asked if he could be picked up after the play on Saturday instead of by noon, so that he could do it again. :)

Aunt Nana, Evan & Uncle Todd.

Evan in his Jerusalem costume.

Evan & Grandma A.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lamb For Sale!

Here we are with the lamb that we carry for the Market Scene & Triumphal Entry in The Thorn. The lamb is very cute and grew quite a bit from the time this picture was taken until we saw him again this last weekend. We are curious how big he will be this weekend when we pick him up for the market scene. Todd holds him for the 1st half of the time we have him out in the production & I hold him for the 2nd half. The total time is probably about 15 minutes. The bigger he gets, the harder he is to hold onto when he decides he wants to get down & run back to his Mama. It is cute when he bleets.........but not so cute when he peed on me in one of the performances the 1st weekend! :)