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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Triple Espresso--March 9, 2008

Todd & I went to Triple Expresso on March 9th with some gift certificates that my mom gave us for Christmas a few years ago. Our friends, Keith & Janelle, went with us & we had a great time!they like to have audience participation. They had everyone singing "Home, Home on the Range" and they had the spot light shine on me and the guy said, "What is your name?" So I said, "Sonja." And he said, "Well, Sonja, maybe if you didn't sing so loud." :) So then we were all singing again and he stopped and said, "Maybe you shouldn't sing at all, Sonja." :) Then they had us sing, "My Home's in Montana" Then we did a round with both songs and finished up with "Home, Home on the Range." On one line he said, "Ok, just the women." Then, "Just the men" on the next line. Then on the last line, the spot light came on me again & he said, "Ok, now just Sonja." So I had to sing, "and the skies are not cloudy all day" by myself. It was pretty funny. At least I was on key! Whew! So that was about my 15 seconds of fame............singing in The Music Box Theater. :) When we were leaving, the guys were our greeting and when we shook the one guys hand, he said, "Thanks for coming. And you have a lovely singing voice, by the way." That made me feel good. If you get the chance to see Triple Espresso somewhere, it is a great show to go see. Good clean humor. You can check out their website at www.tripleespresso.com .

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