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Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

We went with Angela to take Evan & Luke trick-or-treating in Mom's neighborhood. Evan was Obi-wan Knobi from Star Wars and Luke was a tiger.
Luke ready for trick-or-treating.
Here he goes.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Luke is 2!

Today is Luke's 2nd birthday. We had a cake for him at Mom's house when we were watching him and Evan & gave him his birthday present.

Luke with his birthday cake.
Evan & Luke
Luke opening his present................
.........and it is ................
............a Tot Tower.
Luke had fun building it.............
........and knocking it down.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An Unexpected Blessing

We got an unexpected blessing a couple of nights ago. Tiffany & Harrison were still in town & wanted to go out for the evening, so Todd & I got to watch J.T. I was so fun!

J.T......2 months old.
J.T. & Great Uncle Todd
A smiling J.T.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

J.D.'s Football Game & A Trip to the Apple Orchard

J.D. is in high school now and on the 9th grade football team. I went to one of his games last week.

J.D. playing in the game.

The sun suddenly came out during the game......it was really cool!
Todd & I went to an apple orchard with the Thompson's on Sunday, October 23rd.
Todd, Andra, & Me
The gang's all here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tiffany's Baby Shower for J.T.

On Saturday, Angela had a baby shower for Tiffany & J.T. It was a great party & Tiffany got a lot of nice stuff.


Lots of presents!
Great Grandma A & J.T.
Who me?
Denise made this cute little baby buggy for Tiffany.
Uncle Todd & I gave her a set of Praise Baby videos.
Tiffany, Nana & J.T.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Apple Orchard

On Tuesday I took Andrew to pre-school and went with him on his field trip to the apple orchard because Heather & Alex were still in the hospital. We had a really fun time............except for snack time when all of the bees were around because of the apple juice, apples, & donuts.

Andrew & the tractor.

Andrew on the hayride.


Nana & Andrew on the hayride.

Andrew by the big tractor tire.

Andrew eating his snack with his class.

Andrew picking an apple.

Can't quite reach..............

............oh, that is better when Nana helps. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Alexander Harold Leonard Lane is Here!

Our newest nephew, Alex, was born yesterday. He was 9 lbs. 2 oz. and 21 inches long.


Mom & Alex

Aunt Nana & Alex

Alex was in the Special Care Nursery because of low blood sugar so he could only have a limited number of visitors. I got to be on the list since we took care of Andrew when Alex was born.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Jude & Estella's 6th Birthday Party

Tyler, Maddie, Andrew, Todd, & I went to Jude & Estella's 6th birthday party on Saturday.

Maddie, Nana & Andrew in the bouncy house.

Jude & Estella

Andrew & Maddie



Maddie & Estella