Emily & Sophia were showing Uncle Todd & J.D. their gymnastics skills. Here Emily is showing J.D. how to do a hand stand.

Sophia doing the splits.

J.D. decided to try doing the splits along with the girls...................Uncle Todd tried to warn J.D. that.............

............boys aren't really made to do the splits. ;)

Left side: Emily, J.D. & Sophia
Right side: Evan, Brenden, Nicholas & Justin

Brenden, J.D. & Justin in the middle of the picture.

Emily, J.D., Tiffany, Justin & Sophia.
Justin, J.D., Tiffany, Evan, Brenden, Emily, Nicholas, Sophia & Uncle Todd enjoying the campfire. :)
Emily, J.D., Sophia & Aunt Sonja (Nana).

Emily, Tiffany, Justin, J.D. & Sophia