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Friday, July 30, 2010

Camping 2010

We went on our annual camping trip last weekend. We went to the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes campground this year again because we liked it so much last year. This year we decided to get two campsites together to give us some more space for playing & stuff and it worked out great! This year we had 8 nieces & nephews go camping...........Tiffany (19), J.D. (13), Sophia (11), Justin (10), Emily (8), Nicholas (8), Brenden (7) & Evan (7). Luke, Maddie & Tyler were able to "camp in spurts"..........mostly for set up & tear down. ;)

Sonja, Sophia & Angela setting up tents.

Luke was a great help with the rain fly! :)

Luke & the tiny "Tot Spot" camp chair. :)

The boys did a pretty good job of setting up the plastic bowling pins on the gravel parking spot so they could bowl. It was quite a challenge to get them to all stand up at the same time, but they had a good time. :)
Emily & Sophia were showing Uncle Todd & J.D. their gymnastics skills. Here Emily is showing J.D. how to do a hand stand.
Sophia doing the splits.
Emily doing the splits.

J.D. decided to try doing the splits along with the girls...................Uncle Todd tried to warn J.D. that.............

............boys aren't really made to do the splits. ;)



Grilled teriyaki burgers for supper...............mmmmmmmmm!
Left side: Emily, J.D. & Sophia
Right side: Evan, Brenden, Nicholas & Justin
The kids couldn't wait to walk to the lake & go swimming. We met our friends, Cindy & Dick and their kids, Matthew, Katie & Corey there. We all had a great time! :)
Brenden, J.D. & Justin in the middle of the picture.
J.D.(down from buoy), Brenden, Evan, Justin, Tiffany, Matthew & Emily in middle of picture.

Nicholas warming up a little bit from being in the chilly water. :)

From the left....Matthew, Emily, J.D. with Corey on his back, Brenden & Justin. Evan & Tiffany are on the far right.
After swimming at the lake, we made a campfire & roasted hot dogs for supper. The kids did a pretty good job with their hot dogs.........I didn't notice any burnt to a crisp ones. :)
Emily, J.D., Tiffany, Justin & Sophia.

Justin, J.D., Tiffany, Evan, Brenden, Emily, Nicholas, Sophia & Uncle Todd enjoying the campfire. :)

Of course, when you have a campfire..........you just gotta roast marshmallows & make s'mores! :)
Emily, Tiffany, Justin, J.D. & Sophia

Emily, J.D., Sophia & Aunt Sonja (Nana).

Everyone was playing while I was getting ready to make breakfast on Sunday morning & I saw Justin sitting in the screen porch of the boys tent reading his Lord of the Rings book. I just had to get a picture of that............I love that they like to read. :)

Angela, Eric, Jeremy & Kim came to help us pack up & take down the tents. Maddie wanted to "help" me wash the breakfast dishes. :)

Then Maddie & Tyler helped me carry the dish water over to the bushes.............

.......................and dump it. :)
J.D. was giving Maddie & Luke a ride in the wagon.

Luke relaxing in the wagon. :)

We all had a great time camping and I have already heard some of the kids talking about next year. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Freedom Celebration 2010

Our Freedom Celebration at North Heights was 7/3 & 7/4. The same 6 nieces & nephews carried flags again this year. Todd was one of the prop people since his knee has been bothering him so much. I think he enjoyed doing that. Please keep him in prayer for healing for his knee. Thanks! :)


Back Row: J.D. (13), Sophia (11), Emily (8) & Sonja

Front Row: Nicholas (8), Tyler (3) & Brenden (7)

We were all (plus Estella Williams) in the drama, welcoming home our soldier in the song "For Freedom". Our soldier was Brian Bergstrom.

Back Row: J.D., Brian & Sonja
Middle Row: Sophia, Emily, Nicholas & Brenden
Front Row: Estella & Tyler

We had practice Thursday night & Saturday morning & then 1 service on Saturday night & 2 services on Sunday morning.............so the 6 nieces & nephews stayed at our house from Thursday thru Sunday. Friday was a free day so we went to Mom's in the afternoon & the kids had a blast playing in the backyard. It was very hot so the pools were perfect for cooling off & having fun! :)