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Monday, September 28, 2009

Vikings Win 27 - 24 And We Saw It All From A Suite!

The half-time show was the Marine Corp Rifle Drill Team and they were very good! :)

Todd & I got to go to the Vikings game yesterday for free. One of our vendors from my work has a suite in the Dome and gave MindWare 15 tickets and a parking pass. My name was drawn for 2 of the tickets & I won the parking pass, too! So we got the whole day for free.......free parking......free game.......and free food. :) The Vikings won 27 - 24 and we got to see the incredible winning catch by Greg Lewis with 2 seconds left in the game in our corner of the endzone. That was really cool!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Baby Shower for our cousin, Faith......9/12/09

On Saturday, September 12th, Mom, Angela, Denise & I went to a baby shower for our cousin, Faith. She got a lot of great gifts and we are very excited for her. :) Faith is having a girl and they are going to name her Clementina Lila.

This is a diaper cake that our cousins, Terees & Bert made for Faith. Very Cute!

These are our cousins...........Faith, Terees, Bert & Maria.

Mom & Aunt Lila. Mom had surgery to fuse a couple of discs in her neck on Sept. 4th and she is doing very well. :)

I sewed a blanket for Faith's baby girl. :)

Mom's cute wrapping on her gift to Faith. :)

Angela crocheted a beautiful blanket for baby Clementina. :)

Faith & Angela are due to have their babies a couple of weeks apart, so we had to take the opportunity to get a picture of them together. :) Angela is having a boy......Luke Eugene.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Watching Brenden, Tyler & Maddie

On Saturday, we watched Brenden, Tyler & Maddie while Jeremy, Kim, J.D. & Justin went to the State Fair. We had a great time & the kids did, too. :)

Maddie was excited about walking to the park! :)

Brenden & Tyler on the teeter-totter. We just walked to the little park in our complex, but they had fun.

Maddie & Nana going down the double slide. Maddie thought this was really fun & we did it a few times. :)

Tyler climbing at the playground.

Tyler going down the tornado slide. I wanted him to sit so I could get a better picture, but he wanted to go down on his tummy. He said, "I go down like this."

Tyler going down the toddler slide.

Tyler & Maddie on the toddler park.

Maddie going down the toddler slide.

Maddie & Tyler playing with sidewalk chalk on our patio. This was after their 3-1/2 hour nap!...........so when I put Maddie's hair back in pony tails, it was a bit wild. :)

Tyler & Maddie with our drawings on the patio.

Brenden spent a lot of the day building Legos with Uncle Todd. This is one of their creations from our Lego submarine kit.

A closer shot of what they made.

Tyler turned 3 on Sept. 3rd, so we gave him his present on Saturday.

Tyler opening his present. He was very excited when Kim & J.D. came to pick them up because we told him he could open his present when his parents came. They were eating supper when Kim came & Tyler promptly said, "You here, we open presents!" :)

It's a toy tub with bugs on it! :)

Brenden turned 7 on August 19th and we had not given him his present yet, so we gave him his present on Saturday, also.

Brenden loves games so we thought he would like this Garden Olympics set. It has all kinds of things to play outdoor games like cones & rope for 3-legged races, bean bags, spoons & plastic eggs & a whole lot of other things. It even has a whistle & a medal! :)