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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Thorn 2009--Todd is a Disciple!

Todd had a great time being a disciple in The Thorn this year. He was Bartholomew. :)

Jesus & His Disciples in their pose from their 1st scene in the production.

Jesus teaches the twelve disciples. :)
Jesus & His Twelve Disciples.
Top row: Michael, Andrew, Jonathan, Matt, Todd, John & Matt
Bottom row: Mark, Willie, Johnny, Dan, Dan & Nathan

Todd with two of the disciples he got to be good friends with........Matt & Willie. :)

The Thorn 2009--Palm Sunday--Sonja is a Shepherdess!

This year, I brought a sheep out into the market scene. I was pretty nervous about it when I read it on the sheet the first night I found out at practice, but it ended up being a lot of fun! Sometimes I had a sheep named, Snowflake, and other times I had a sheep named, Stanley. Stanley was funny because he had a very deep voice. :)

Sonja, Stanley, Lori, Kari & Elmer (in front).

Elmer was sick on Palm Sunday, so he was brought back to the pen and Stanley was very nervous about being by himself. He made a lot of noise giving his "opinions" about it. It is very funny how sheep do not like to be split up. :) Here we were trying to calm him down because we still had to go in & do the Market Scene in the sanctuary for the Palm Sunday service.

On Palm Sunday, after we do our Market Scene for the service, all the Sunday School kids line up in the Centrum and we bring all of the animals by so they can see them. I also brought the sheep into the nursery so all the toddlers could see him. It was pretty fun! :)

Bringing Stanley by the line of Sunday School kids. :)

Kids petting Stanley. :)

Heidi showing Estella & Jude her bunny. :)

Sophia & Emily's Gymnastics

Last week, Todd went to our nieces' gymnastics practice to watch them for awhile. I had to work, so I couldn't go, but Todd took some pictures.

Emily. :)

Sophia is in the middle, in blue, doing a bridge.

Sophia. :)

Emily doing the splits.

Emily. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Photos of Jeremy & Kim's Kids :)

Our sister-in-law, Kim, e-mailed these Easter pictures of the kids to us. They are great! :)

Tyler (2), JD (11), Maddie (almost 1), Brenden (6) & Justin (9)

Maddie :)
Tyler, Justin & Brenden with their colored egg masterpieces. :)

Maddie :)