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Monday, January 26, 2009

Nephew Sleep-over at Nana & Uncle Todd's

We watched Evan, Brenden & Tyler for the weekend so we asked Nicholas if he wanted to spend the night with his cousins on Friday night. Of course he accepted! :)

I went downstairs Saturday morning to find Tyler (2) sitting on the stool at the island in the kitchen patiently waiting.

I asked, "What are you doing, Tyler?............Waiting for breakfast?"

He said, "Bekfast," & nodded his head.

I asked, "Are you all by yourself?"

"Self,", he replied.

What a cutie! :)

So we started making breakfast. Tyler was a good helper..........but he did try to use all of his charms to convince me that we were making pancakes & not french toast. I wish I had gotten it on tape 'cause it was so cute & I just can't explain his facial expressions & tilt of his head as well as he did them.

Tyler: Pancakes?

Nana: No, we're making french toast.

Tyler: (tilting his head with his charming grin and a sing-song voice) Pancakes?.......

Nana: French Toast.......

Tyler: (even more of the above) Pancakes?............

It became a fun game for him..........and he would start it up all throughout cooking the french toast. Tyler is so fun! :) He did decide that french toast was pretty good and ate 3 pieces for breakfast.

We had to take both of our vehicles up to Northland Auto to get oil changes. Which worked out well since we couldn't fit all the boys in one of them anyway. Mark has a trampoline in the garage that the boys played on & they had a blast!

The also saw a really smashed up car in the garage that looked like it had probably rolled at least once if not a few times. "Cool!" they all exclaimed. But Evan did admit, "I wouldn't want that to happen to my mom's car."

Tyler playing with one of the big balls in the garage at Northland Auto in Milaca.

Three cousins being goofy at the Pizza Hut in Milaca. We went there for lunch after the oil changes were done. Evan (6), Brenden (6) & Nicholas (7). Both Evan & Brenden agreed that Nicholas is the silliest. :) This is also evidenced in the trampoline picture above. :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Todd's Birthday--January 22, 2009


Yesterday was Todd's birthday. We both took the afternoon off and went to the Timberlogde for lunch (Todd loves to get steak there) and went to a movie. We saw Last Chance Harvey, which was pretty good. :) I also brought Todd some balloons when I picked him up at his work. I forgot to bring in the camera, so if he decides to bring them home (not an easy task on the city bus) then I will take a picture & post it later. We had a really fun afternoon! :)

1/26/09~~Todd did bring his balloons home on Friday so the boys could play with them this weekend.............much to Tyler's delight. :) The latex ones were losing their ability to float, but Tyler did not care.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Last Friday night, Todd & I went down to Bloomington to watch JD's 1st game in a basketball tournament. It was a lot of fun. Justin wanted to take pictures for me, so I gave him our camera & let him take as many pictures as he wanted. Some I deleted (the beauty of digital) but he got some good shots. Here are some of his shots:

JD is on the far left with the ball.

JD is on the far left again.............#13.


Uncle Todd & Nana. :)

JD in action! :)

Tyler watching JD's game............sort of............
JD is in the center of the picture. :)

Justin..............the photographer extraordinaire for the evening. :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fun with Niece & Nephews--1/10/09

Todd & I watched the kids for Jeremy & Kim on Saturday (1/10). We had different ones at various times of the day due to sports schedules but Brenden, Tyler & Maddie we did have all day. We got some cute pics during the day. :)


Maddie with her winning grin! :)

Brenden, Maddie & Tyler.

Brenden, Maddie & Tyler. :)