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Monday, November 17, 2008

Jamie's 30th Birthday!

Todd's younger sister, Jamie, turned 30 yesterday! We took Jamie & her daughters, Sophia (9) & Emily (7) to Perkins for a birthday dinner. Todd was excited to give Jamie a black & gray turtle with "30 and on the move" written on it's back. You wind it up and it moves really slow. :)
(Sorry Jamie....Todd really wanted me to post this.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Visit With Andrew

Anthony, Heather & Andrew were in town this weekend, so we went down to Jeremy & Kim's house to visit. Andrew is 10 mo. old now and is so cute! I was very excited that he wasn't afraid of us, since we don't see him very often, so we were able to have a lot of fun playing with him. :)

Tyler, Andrew & me. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Maddie & Nana

Saturday, Jeremy, Kim & the kids were over at Mom's house so we went over there for awhile. Todd took this cute picture of Maddie & me. :)

Halloween 2008

Evan & Uncle Todd in their Halloween costumes. :)

Angela & I took Evan trick-or-treating around the block that our Mom lives on and he got this much candy! Angela took this candy home for him.

Since Evan was spending the weekend at our house, Todd & I decided to take him trick-or-treating around part of our townhouse complex before actually going home for the night and this was the result! Most of this stayed at our house so we have treats for when the kids come over...........and for us to enjoy, too, of course. :)